Something about No Thing

While I was sleeping
in double negatives,
No Thing came and swallowed up
my waking world.
Without direction
in a strange inverted place
lost and all alone,
I hid behind the branches
of a dreaming tree
hoping No Thing would not see,
or hear me breathing.

I did not realize
No Thing can see without eyes
and hear without ears.
Soon overwhelmed, was I.
No Thing is not nothing!

About Mary Strong-Spaid

You can find me any time wandering around in my own mind gathering thoughts.
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22 Responses to Something about No Thing

  1. Nothing is an interesting topic ???

    Love, hugs and prayers…ME and the Boss


  2. Tincup says:

    The inanimate is god…and the animate is the offspring…deep and truthful piece!


  3. aalif says:

    Wow – this is an awesome poem!!


  4. jlo2000 says:

    A poem most Seinfeldien.
    Thanks for writing it,
    Thanks for posting it !


  5. Jerry Stolarski says:

    I’m not sure how you did it but I love the photo. Secondly I love the poem and blog.


    • Thank you very much, Jerry!
      Every once in a while, I will throw a photo into inverse (negative mode) using Adobe Photoshop. So that everything becomes the opposite of what it once was. Light becomes dark; white becomes black….rather unreal in appearance, like images from a dream.


  6. Don’t worry…It ain’t no thing… 😉


  7. ajaytao2010 says:

    this No Thing has anything to do with, when you were 7 years old and looking at the crack in the tiles on the floor suddenly cried and ran into the other room and then your dad came out and asked what are you crying for
    and you said ‘ nothing ‘.
    I may be a little wrong in my interpretation though


  8. Basically….yes.
    No Thing is always present, everywhere.
    Fear keeps us from knowing.
    And so we continue to search on a pathless path…..for what we never lost, and are afraid to find.


  9. elmediat says:

    Well done. 🙂 Reminded me stylistically of “anyone lived in a pretty how town”. Intriguing image. Very effective combination of image with verse.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I have experimented with the poetry forms of Fibku & hyper-linked found poems, If you are interested, you can find some these experiments on my blog under the poetry tag.


    • Thanks. I looked up the poem by E.E.Cummings “anyone lived in pretty how town.”
      A real mind-bending forest of word play. Very interesting to read.
      I will look at your poetry. I have never heard of Fibku before.


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