Super Hero Reindeer Man

To my great surprise,
he suddenly appeared
right before my eyes—
Super Hero Reindeer Man
with his Santa smile.
What was I supposed to do?
Wearing deer antlers
and a star upon his head,
his mischievous eyes
twinkled through his goggles
and made me smile too!     ~ms

About Mary Strong-Spaid

You can find me any time wandering around in my own mind gathering thoughts.
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36 Responses to Super Hero Reindeer Man

  1. artourway says:

    So sweet ~ I’ll take 2 … and one of those Mimosa’s for the road ;D


  2. Lynda says:

    That IS funny! Merry Christmas, Mary!


    • And a very Merry Christmas to you too, Linda!
      Wishing you a peaceful holiday–with enough time to relax and wrap yourself up in one of your beautiful handmade quilts. It’s an interesting time of year. My birthday is only a few days away from Christmas, as is my wedding anniversary. I know my husband thinks it’s great. All he has to do is remember Christmas, and he’s basically got it all covered. Merry Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary…..Ho, Ho, Ho! 🙂


  3. He looks like fun – and you can’t fail to smile!!! 😀 I saw a checkout assistant in a supermarket wearing something similar a few days ago – at least it lightens the stress of the season!


    • Yes, it was definitely heart warming.
      He was not rushing around trying to sell or buy some “thing”….he was just standing there with a big smile to share. Absolutely wonderful. And the friend of Super Hero Reindeer Man was having a great time watching the reactions of different people passing by. So much fun.


  4. Happy Holidays to you too!!


    • Oh I am smiling today, for sure.
      It’s almost 70 degrees outside.
      And tomorrow, I hear it might go up to 75 degrees.
      This makes me happy. I love the warm!
      It might even thunderstorm tonight?
      Even though I think this weather is great, it is rather odd for Virginia winter weather.
      Next week, it is supposed to go back down into the 30s. Sigh.


  5. Anonymous says:

    What a fun moment to capture Mary! Loved it as always. Merry Christmas to you and Tom!
    Your way with words is amazing!


  6. dorannrule says:

    Those are the people who truly add cheer wherever they go. I just lost a friend like that to cancer but the memories of his wacky antics live on.


  7. Rock on Reindeer Man. I sense a comic strip in the works.


  8. Aw Man…that picture is priceless!!!!


  9. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


  10. laurie27wsmith says:

    Look, up in the sky, it’s…………oh Reindeer man!


  11. his charm sure is irresistible.


  12. A.D. Everard says:

    I love this. I love the grin on his face. 🙂


  13. 🙂 Happy New Year Mary!


  14. Had a good chuckle on this one! Great way to begin a morning!


    • Super Hero Reindeer Man and his friend were having a good laugh that morning too. In the photo, they are standing next to a sign that said $5 Mimosas from 9 a.m. Made me wonder if it was actually coffee in that coffee cup in his hand…OR…some early morning Christmas cheer! 😉


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