Good Friends and Auld Lang Syne

As this year comes to an end, I look back at years gone by once again.
And I remember the house I once had in Virginia, where there was a room that belonged specifically to a baby grand piano. It had such a beautiful voice; the glorious sound danced through the air.Piano_1

We lived in that house for 13 years. But time passed by, and one day we had to “downsize’ and move away. Sadly, the piano could not come with me because the house in Texas was going to be much smaller. 

If you read my previous blog, you know that my newly built house in Texas turned out to be a source of major stress.  As a result,  I have not written much since I moved here in 2016. Repeatedly begging the builder for help with construction defects has drained most of the creativity out of my soul. 

Luckily this December (thank God)  music came and threw its loving arms around me. I joined several musical groups for the holiday season, and while we were sharing the joy of Christmas songs with others,  I started to feel the goodness in the world again.

In this very short video of ‘Auld Lang Syne,’ I am singing with Doc (guitarist) and Julie (flutist/ flautist).  There were good friends gathered all around, with the sound of music and joyful voices rising up above the problems of the world.

 Now, as we leave 2018 behind tonight, I hope and pray that 2019 will be a great year for everyone. Listen! Do you hear the sound of fireworks?
it’s 12 midnight here in Texas
Happy New Year!

About Mary Strong-Spaid

You can find me any time wandering around in my own mind gathering thoughts.
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37 Responses to Good Friends and Auld Lang Syne

  1. montucky says:

    Happy New Year Mary! I’m glad that you again have music in your life! Very nice trio!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Herman says:

    Wishing you all the best and a wonderful 2019, Mary!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good wishes, Mary. Good voices. I like the way you describe music as a physical presence

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Leya says:

    Wishing you all the best and – music – for the new year, Mary!


  5. katelon says:

    May 2019 bring you much joy!


  6. Timothy Price says:

    Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Barb says:

    Happy New Year Mary, here’s to a fantastic 2019!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Graham Brown says:

    Happy New Year Mary – I hope you continue to make and enjoy music. Waving from Orkney!


  9. camparigirl says:

    It is my dream to learn to play the piano and to have a good singing voice! I managed to improve my singing but it might be too late for the piano. I read your story about the problems with your house and it is mind-boggling. Enough to drive anyone crazy. Kudos for sticking it out (althought it doesn’t sound like you had much choice). Sometimes I embark on hosue related projects, thinking they will be easy, and go down the rabbit hole of months down the drain. Like when I decided to remodel myself the oak door (oak doors, I found out, are really expensive): it took me weeks to sand it, fill the cracks, paint it and have the glass changed. Going to Lowes and buying a new one would have saved me a lot of time.


  10. Happy New Year Mary. I wish you much joy and happiness, and that your house problems will be solved! And that music will continue to give you wings.


  11. Julie says:

    It was really special, wasn’t it? There’s something so theraputic about music let alone celebrating the birth of Jesus. (Flutist or flautist is what we call ourselves.)

    Here’s to another year of warmth and peace and fellowship that music brings us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh! There definitely is something therapeutic about music!
      Especially the ability of music to reach out and cause people to suddenly remember what they have long forgotten! At the memory care center, I watched people suddenly ‘wake up’ when they heard patriotic songs or songs like Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art. No matter how many times I saw that, I was amazed by it.
      Here is a really interesting video about music and memory.


  12. Mags says:

    Beautiful sweet Mary. I am happy to hear you found some joy in music. Still keeping you in positive thoughts and prayers. Hugs and blessings


  13. jbcamera says:

    Music is a great healer. So glad it is part of your life again.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. ladyfi says:

    Now that is a beautiful piano!


  15. lawrenceez says:

    Wonderful. And Happy New Year


  16. Happy New Year, Mary! ❤


  17. So glad you welcomed 2019 with a song in your heart! May the building woes evapourate fast and sweet tunes feed your soul in the months ahead 🙂


  18. Hope and pray 2019 will make all your dreams come true! especially the best ones.


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