Early Morning Virginia Beach

Sunrise awakens
early morning
on Virginia Beach.
A beautiful sight!
Diamonds of early sunlight
drip onto blue water
dancing a summer delight.
a busy summer day—
trucks begin raking sand.
After the raking, a solitary man walks along the shoreline hunting for buried treasure
(with seagull supervision—of course).
Later in the day, a friend kindly took my photo on the Virginia Beach boardwalk, next to the statue of King Neptune and a giant octopus.  Thanks Judith! As I am usually hiding behind a camera, I seldom have a good photograph of myself to share. This is a warm memory that I will cherish for a long time (especially during the cold winter months).
The ocean was my first love, so I am happy that I was able to visit before summer’s end. I can’t imagine going an entire year without walking barefoot in a place where rolling ocean waves sigh into the sand.  A necessity of life!
Take good care of the ocean for me, King Neptune.
I will be back again one day!

About Mary Strong-Spaid

You can find me any time wandering around in my own mind gathering thoughts.
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40 Responses to Early Morning Virginia Beach

  1. Tiny says:

    What a beautiful morning! The sun rises from the ocean on the Atlantic coast whilst it dives into ocean here on the Gulf. So nice to see you, Mary, as well. It’s a very beautiful photo 🙂


  2. sarasinart says:

    They are great pictures. I hope you escaped from that big octopus………… 🙂


  3. Ron Scubadiver says:

    You look like a happy, healthy woman about to be devoured by a giant bronze octopus.


  4. zdunno03 says:

    Well I don’t see any pictures here but the writing is quite lovely and the stories I have read so far very captivating. I’m glad you dropped by my site because now I have found yours.


  5. The sunrise photo is incredible Mary. It is one of those that can live in the mind for forever.


  6. Wonderful memories of the past summer! The picture with Diamonds of sunlight is beautiful and alive.


  7. Love the poem, the gorgeous sunrise, the sparkling water, the one of you in front of the octopus and most especially the last two vintage shots. Beautiful! 🙂


  8. I second the above comment; lovely meditation on returning to your great love – the ocean!


  9. dorannrule says:

    Your feelings for the ocean are mine and I love your 1956 childhood photos shining with pure joy. Wonderful!


  10. fantastic shots Mary and beautiful poems.

    you were an adorable kid and are a very gorgeous person now! It is my story too, I am always taking pictures, that is why I told bro to take some pictures in Golcondda fort 🙂


  11. laurie27wsmith says:

    You were a regular beach belle back in the day Mary. 🙂


    • Yes! I am a sea creature, cleverly disguised as a human being.
      Hahaha! Didn’t you know that? Couldn’t you tell?
      I love the ocean. When I was younger, I used to pretend I was a mermaid.
      Actually, I am a singer…hmmmmmm…..I wonder how many ships have run aground because of my siren songs. 🙂


  12. Mary, what adorable shots of you as a child. And the recent photo is lovely. Summer isn’t complete without trips to a beach.
    Blessings ~ Wendy


  13. Karmaklysm says:

    Such beautiful childhood photos! I love the stills from the beach 🙂 You clearly were a natural with the ocean.


    • And I still remember the interesting little mole crabs that used to roll in with the waves and quickly bury themselves in the wet sand. If I kept my hands right under the sand, I could hold them for a moment (that’s probably exactly what I was doing in the 2nd black and white photo).
      Then there was also the little ghost crabs that would quickly pop up in and out of their holes in the sand. The edge of the ocean where the waves kiss the sand…is an awesome place to spend time!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Dina says:

    I have never seen a sunrise like this, I’m impressed!


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