Tree Reindeer

A rotten old tree
dead but still standing
cold and riddled with holes,
was brought back to life
on a cold wintery night
Christmas creativity
came wandering by
with bells, two eyes, and a nose,
pine branches and bows
hung in just the right places
a tree reindeer!  ~ms 

About Mary Strong-Spaid

You can find me any time wandering around in my own mind gathering thoughts.
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42 Responses to Tree Reindeer

  1. Absolutely fascinating. It is nice to realise that not everything ultimately dies! there is always scope for rejuvenation!! greetings from India to you!



  2. kiwiskan says:

    Reblogged this on kiwissoar and commented:
    This is so neat…


  3. A Simple Guy says:

    It is really cute .. but it will be kinda scary at nite if it have glowing eyes and a flashing red nose. LOL!!


  4. Luckily, it has no power source…so no blinking, no flashing.
    If might glow in the moonlight though. And that might be rather unnerving.


  5. 1EarthUnited says:

    It’s totally brilliant, I had to share this with friends… LOL!


  6. Thank you, 1Earth United.


  7. arnoldthearmadillo says:

    Awesome 😀


  8. beingeternal says:

    Truly Awesome Creation………….the picture and the lines following it.


  9. Lynne Ayers says:

    Creative whimsy – I hope he’s visible enough to bring a smile to passersby. 🙂


  10. The tree is quite visible to those who pass by.
    That’s how it caught my wandering eyes.


  11. Oh my GOSH! Adorable! LOL! How very, very cute. What fun … thank you so much for sharing!


  12. It is a cute little face, I agree.


  13. Mz Zoomer says:

    Hi Mary, appreciate you stopping by my blog. Really love this post. Whimsical. Put a smile on my face. Thanks so much


  14. remembersilence says:

    I love this! It is an adorable poem about something even more adorable! Thanks for sharing, and happy holidays to you. 🙂


  15. Thanks….Happy Holidays to you also!


  16. nutsfortreasure says:

    Now that is something I have never seen and you know I love TREES

    Wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to give you a star for your BLOG!



  17. Thanks Eunice. I love trees also. Great to see this little one so thoughtfully ecorated. And now, with a star on top of it all. Merry Christmas!


  18. This looks to me like the head of a friendly dragon. I also seem to see a face with an elliptical mouth in the trunk above the would-be animal’s head.


  19. Brian Comeau says:

    I had to show this to my son. Pretty cool. 🙂


  20. Steve says:

    Wow, it’s a small world – this is the reindeer tree that lives in my subdivision! Every year I keep my fingers crossed that a storm doesn’t knock it over, and that the wood doesn’t rot. This is the best picture of it I think I’ve ever seen…


    • Aha! I live about 15 minutes away. I work from time to time within your subdivision, for the Visiting Angels. All of the photos in my post “Honking Attitude” were also taken there. And “Dreaming Eyes” ….that is a negative inversion of a tree that is very close to where I photographed the geese.
      I am also singing with the Rappahannock Chorale Society (RCS) and we are learning Civil War songs for a concert in the Spring. There are several people in that group from your subdivision. Small, small world it is!


    • Steve….I guess you have seen? It is August (2013) now, and I saw one of the tree reindeer antlers on the ground when I drove past the tree last week. I am so glad I got a photo last Christmas!


  21. Kavita Joshi says:

    awe so nice and cute..thanks for sharing and visiting my blog dear


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